Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guess Who's Having Surgery in a Few Weeks


That's right, kids. If you read the blog last week, you saw my quote of the day referenced the fact that I "...felt like a big steaming puddle of hamster vomit all week." Sorry to make you read that again, but it adequately describes the way I felt.

Anyway, Saturday morning I woke up and had severe pain in my lower abdominal region. As long as I was sitting down or laying down I was fine. But when I stood for any period of time I was in a lot of pain. But I started feeling better as the day went on and I actually attended a Young Adults football gathering at Crossroads followed by Patch's annual Halloween party later that night. I still wasn't feeling 100%, but well enough to do these things nonetheless.

Sunday morning I woke up bright and early and drove up to Georgetown to play guitar with the Praise Team at the new Crossroads Georgetown Campus. All was going well until around 9:30. The pain came back and I actually had to sit down on the ground for a few minutes. I was in a lot of pain during the service, so if anyone was in attendance in Georgetown Sunday, I apologize if you felt I was disconnected.

I spent the rest of Sunday afternoon on the couch watching football and NASCAR. I was actually feeling much better.

Monday I went to work as usual, but while walking in to the office, the pain hit me again. Now call me stubborn, but I really hate going to the doctor. Yes, I should have gone right then, but me being the dummy I can be sometimes, decided to see how things went yesterday and last night before making the decision to see a doctor.

Which brings me to this morning. I went to work (thirty minutes late - it takes a while to get ready when you're in pain). I caved, called the doctor and got an appointment. Long story short, I have not one, but AT LEAST TWO HERNIAS!!! So, I have a consultation with a surgeon next week with surgery to follow.

This is new territory for me. I have never been under the knife (unless you count having my wisdom teeth taken out). I've never had a major procedure like this done. So, have you or anyone you know had this surgery? If so, what can I expect? How long is the recovery process? Exactly how much pain will I be in after the surgery? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry to bore you with my medical issues, but I am man enough to admit I'm a little nervous!!! Call me a big wuss if you want, but this is a big deal to me!!!


Bret Foster said...

Holy crap! Sorry to hear this...I hope everything goes well. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'll be praying for you Mark! Keep me updated...or I guess I could just read your blog.


Fred said...

Dude! Sorry to hear about the pain and the upcoming surgery. My brother had a hernia surgery a couple years back and took a few days off from his UPS delivery gig. My father in law had three hernias fixed last year and was down a couple days.

I'd be nervous too since I've never had anything done, but keep in mind that hundreds of thousands (or more) people have gone through this with no ill effects.

Hang in bro.