Tuesday, March 24, 2009

U2? In Chicago? On A Saturday Night? OK, I'll Go!!!

Just got tickets!!!! I'm so excited!!! I've never been to Chicago and to see U2 outdoors on a Saturday night in the Windy City is going to be awesome!

Now I just need to find someone to go with me...

Monday, March 16, 2009

HIGHLY Recommended Viewing

This is basically Simon Pegg and the rest of the Shaun of the Dead crew in a BBC series from 1999 and 2001. Do yourself a favor and watch it.

You're welcome!

Weekend Re-Cap

After a quick pit stop by Bar Louie to wish Patch and The Colonel a happy birthday, it was off to O'Neill's Irish Pub to meet up with a group of friends and see my favorite '80's cover band, Long Duk Dong. Yes, they're back together! (Ed. note - Actually, this depends on which band member you ask). It was a great time and the band sounded as good as ever. I really hope they stick with it. Lexington is much quieter when they're not around.

After sleeping in really late (say 1:00 p.m.), I lounged around on the couch all day and watched basketball. I finally managed to pull myself up off the couch for a shower and made my way to the 5:30 service at St. Awesome's. Then it was off to Applebee's to meet another group of friends and then (you guessed it) back to O'Neill's for Long Duk Dong - Night Two. Only this time there was a line around the corner and once we got in, we couldn't move. It was packed. It was hot. It was miserable. I don't know what the capacity is at O'Neill's, but I would bet the farm that there were at least 500 people crammed in there. It was ridiculous. So after hearing five songs or so, me and the boys decided to leave. This really sucked, but I'd seen LDD the night before, so I feel like I really didn't miss much.

Because I attended the Saturday service and had no obligations at church last weekend, I got to sleep in again. It was wonderful! At some point late Sunday morning/early Sunday afternoon I took a shower and drove up to the parents' for lunch. Mom watched LOST all day and I answered her questions (all 1,000,000,000 of them!). I can't believe she's stuck with this crazy show. I'm proud of her!

If You're Not Watching Kings on NBC...

...you don't know what you're missing. Best new show of the season, by far. Give it a try!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Masterpiece In The Making

Update... Finally!

My "sister" brought it to my attention that it's been nearly a month since I've updated the blog, so Cher, this is for you! Here's what I've been up to...

-I paid my truck off and bought a new television. LOST looks excellent in glorious Hi Def.

-Got tickets for Dave Matthews Band in Nashville and Kings of Leon in Cincinnati.

-Played a lot of guitar at church. Between Lexington and Georgetown, I think I've had two weekends off since Christmas. I'm not complaining. I love doing it.

-While watching The Oscars, I realized I hadn't seen any of the Best Picture nominees... Still haven't.

-I started going to the gym again. No, seriously...

-Got the new U2 album. I think it's the best thing they've done since Achtung Baby

-Decided not to go to Bonnaroo this year. Not really excited about this year's lineup...

-The new Dave Matthews Band album is called Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King. I'm not really sure what that means, but I like it.

-I'm letting my hair grow out again... time for a change.